Upgrade Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS

Most of the time, my Ubuntu Servers are running Docker so when a new release comes out, it’s usually easier and cleaner to just build a brand…

Install Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS

With the recent release of Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS, I thought I’d get a jump on my walk through for installation since I’m currently building out new…

Install Ubuntu Server 23.10

As I said in my Install Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS walk through, Ubuntu Server is my Linux server platform of choice. I know not everyone agrees with…

Things I do after installing Ubuntu Server

This will be a basic configuration tutorial on the steps I take after doing a clean install of Ubuntu Server. This could be on a physical PC,…

Installing Ubuntu Server 22.04.1 LTS on a Raspberry Pi 4

Installation First, we need to download the “Raspberry Pi Imager” and install it on the PC you are using to set everything up and manage your systems….

Automatically Mount a Windows Share on a Linux Server

On my network, I prefer to us Windows File Servers when sharing any files because of my use of it in the past as part of my…

Install Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS

My Linux Server Distribution of choice is Ubuntu Server. I just like the command structure, the folder structure and using nano for text editing. Recently, they released…