Pinchflat – Channel Monitoring YouTube Downloader

Pinchflat is a self-hosted app for downloading YouTube content built using yt-dlp. It’s designed to be lightweight, self-contained, and easy to use. You set up rules for…

SearXNG – Internet Metasearch Engine

SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from more than 70 search services. Here is the Wikipedia page on how metasearch engines work. With…

Issues with Expanding Windows 11 Drives

Recently, I started transitioning my domain virtual machines over to my new Proxmox cluster. This includes rebuilding my whole internal domain to fix DNS conflicts. One thing…

Upgrade Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS

Most of the time, my Ubuntu Servers are running Docker so when a new release comes out, it’s usually easier and cleaner to just build a brand…

Proxmox – Setup NFS Share and Configure Backups

On the road to having a great Proxmox setup, once you start deploying virtual machines the next and most critical step is to setup a Backup system…